Get More Facebook Comments On Your Facebook Posts

Comments are vital (Full stop!). Getting people talking about your blog post could help increase your reach.

Discussing more engagement on Facebook comments is the best way to gauge engagement for a post. They can help make your company appear more legitimate and share the post to indicate that people enjoy the content and are willing that they want to spread it. Comments demonstrate genuine and authentic engagement.

If someone takes the time to leave a post on Facebook and then leave a comment post, it indicates their genuine interest in your post. Facebook (per the algorithm it uses) will be aware that your post generates connections and significant interactions between people. It will therefore be more likely to rank this content on your News Feed click here.

Adam Moresi, head of News Feed at Facebook, stated that Facebook would prioritize posts that encourage discussion in the comments and posts you’d like to share or react to.

If brands are looking for greater customer comments, Facebook is cautious against soliciting these. The use of ‘engagement bait’ to convince people to leave comments on your content isn’t considered an authentic interaction so Facebook will remove these types of posts from the News Feed.


Create interesting and engaging content that people are likely to discuss. Content that is hot or related to the most popular news stories or deals with unique issues usually gets the most attention.

Though I recommend, brands avoid discussing religious and political things as it could result in controversies.

Below are some suggestions to share engaging content


Post Images.

Why do images exist?

Because Facebook users love pictures, photos are easy to digest and provide valuable information.

Here are a few ways to make appealing images:

Use images not only to promote your brand. Your customers must be engaged in your business. Please don’t force them to be fed with information they don’t need or

Utilize humorous memes. By funny, I don’t mean random funny memes. Your entertainment value should be in line with your business or your sector in some manner.

The following example shows how we are Statusbrew publishes memes. They’re funny, innocent, and accessible.

Make sure you include a variety of content in your images. When I refer to funny images, I’m not talking about just cat pictures! Your content should be mixed with appealing and informative photos to make the viewer eager to share and like comments on the photo.

Be careful with the information you share regarding the brand or product.

Make use of visually appealing images.

Make use of infographics. Information graphics have a better probability of attracting attention.

Utilize images that require a response from your viewers. For instance, you can fill in the blanks, ask questions, testimonials, etc.

Quotes can be used in your photos that are relevant and inspiring.

Utilize these suggestions to inform your audience on a certain topic.


Every business wants to determine the best way to get users’ attention via social media. Videos are the best method of doing this.

If you’re new to social media or already have an established presence, creating regular content for social media could feel like walking around with your eyes closed followerspro.

Since the habits of viewers have changed as time passes, brands need to recognize that they must create a loyal audience on social media platforms to appeal to younger viewers such as Gen Z.

Here are a few ways to make captivating videos:

Create a cover photo for you video to elicit responses

Get attention in a brief period by using clear and captivating titles. The answer to “what is this all about?” is best answered within just a couple of seconds

Please use bold and bright text animations when today’s users browse through their social feeds with the sound off.

A starter frame is a great way to draw people to discover more information about the topic.

Utilize videos with impressive data in you industry to generate curiosity

Inspire you viewers to take action by providing clearly defined CTAs. You don’t need to market a product in the video. Instead, you video should promote the product by itself.

Show what happens behind the scenes.

Make sure to share videos with strategies or tricks that relate to you industry and you audience.

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