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This is my complete guide on How to start a blog India in 2021 that earns $1826 a month. I am 100% sure that you will get answers to all your questions about how to start a blog.
I am happy to have you here. I put hard efforts to get you here and clear your doubts about Blogging.
Things to know before starting a blog

What is a blog?
A blog is a regularly updated discussion or informational website made by an individual or a group to share their opinions or thoughts for other people to read. Opinions or thoughts are written as Blog posts. Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page.
You should notice that you are reading these lines on a blog right now. This is my blog. The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Business Insider, CNN are all blogs.
How is a blog different than a website?
The main difference between a blog and a website is that a blog is dynamic in nature as it is designed to release new content regularly, wherein a website is static which do not have regular updates.
Websites are great for an already established business. However, if you don’t have a product or service, it’s much better to start with blogging.
Is Coding Skill Necessary to start a Blog?
Not at all. You can start and run a successful blog without any coding knowledge. There are various themes and plug-ins in WordPress that gives you freedom to design any type of blog. There are a plenty of plug-ins for making Contact form, Subscription forms, for instant indexing of your blog, for speeding up your website, for generating leads, etc.
History of blogging
Before blogs became popular, Individuals created content for themselves or others and stored that content on computers that were connected to the networks.
The exact date and year of the first use of the term “blog” is still debated by scholars.
In 1993 Rob Palmer began working for a company in London where he wrote a quarterly publication for the company and posted it on their website.
In 1994, Justin Hall (Age – 19 years), a student at Swarthmore University made the very first blog “Links.net” about campus life .
On December 17, 1997 Jorn Barger invented the term “web-log” (means logging the web) who made his own blog labeled Robot Wisdom.
In 1999 Peter Merholz shortened to the term “web-log” to “blog.”
in 1999, Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan at Pyra Labs turned the word into a verb and created the term “blogger”.
In 1999, according to a list compiled by Jesse James Garrett, there were 23 blogs on the internet. By the middle of 2006, there were 50 million blogs according to Technorati‘s State of the Blogosphere report.
Blogging changed forever when WordPress was started in 2003, though parts of its development date back to 2001.
Also launched in 2003 was the AdSense advertising platform, which was the first ad network to match ads to the content on a blog. AdSense also made it possible for bloggers without huge platforms to start making money from when they first started blogging
In 2004 Merriam-Webster declared “blog” as word of the year.
In 2005, The Huffington Post was founded.
Micro-blogging era began in 2006 with the launch of Twitter. Micro-blogging means sharing posts, news and other content in the smallest format.
In 2007, another micro-blogging site Tumblr was launched.
In 2012, Medium was incorporated.
Steps on how to start a Blog

Step 1: Select a profitable blog topic (AKA niche) for ou blog
Step 2: Choose a blogging platform
Step 3: Choose a Hosting Plan and Register Domain Name
Step 4: Install WordPress
Step 1: Select a profitable topic (AKA niche) for your blog
If you are completely new to the blogging field, then you hardly know what a niche is, because it is an unusual and funny word that is used very rarely.
What is niche in blogging?
A niche is a specific topic on which your entire blog is focused.
Why is a Specific Niche Important for a Blog?
Writing blog about one specific Niche is very important. Because this will help you to know who your targeted audience is exactly. Once you start writing about one particular topic, your blog readers will know your expertise on that topic. That’s how you will earn their trust that you are only going to write content about the topic they are interested in. This will help you earn recurring Traffic.
If you write about fashion today, then you start writing about technology next week, and then you write about the stock market next month, then you will lose your audience. This will take you nowhere.
You can choose any niche based on your knowledge and experience as there are blogs on nearly every niche imaginable.
You should write blog on a niche on which you can solve problems of your readers. You should follow your passion.
You should not choose a niche just because you think that it will make money for your blog. Instead, you should choose a topic on which you can write about the day after day for years to come.
Your content must be helpful to others without any misguided assumptions.
So don’t think too much and start blogging.
Blog Niche Examples
Here are some profitable blog niche examples that you can choose to earn money blogging.
- Blogging
- Search Engine Optimization
- Stock Market
- Insurance
- How to earn money Online
- Job Posting
- Career Guidance
- Smart Phones & Accessories
- Product Reviews
- Book Reviews
- Web Series and TV Shows Reviews
- Digital Marketing
- Finance
- Food
- Travel
- Lifestyle
- Fashion
- Photography
- Science and Technology
- Local Culture
- Art and Craft
Step 2: Choose a blogging platform

Before starting a blog, you will require a blogging platform.
What is a blogging platform?
A blogging platform is a software or service or content management system (CMS) that is used to publish content of blogs on the internet. It formats the content in the form of text, images, or tables.
You should choose the best suitable blogging platform on the basis of your future requirements.
Here are some popular blogging platforms:
Blogger was launched by Pyra Labs in 1999. Google acquired Blogger and redesigned it in 2003. It is one of the oldest blogging platforms. here 5 Guest Posting Tips To Help Your Site Rank Higher In Google
Since Blogger is a product of Google, you’ll have access to Google AdSense. This platform is great for hobby bloggers who don’t want to earn money.
- Doesn’t require coding skills to built a basic blog.
- You can place Google AdSense ads.
- No need to purchase hosting space. Hosted for free on Google servers
- Your site will have .blogspot in the title, that doesn’t look professional.
- Media files like PDF, word doc, etc., can’t be uploaded on your blog server.
- Lesser number of plugins/widgets.
- No scope for Search Engine Optimization.
Price:- Free
Wix.com was founded in 2006 as a website building platform.
Wix is fabulous blogging platform to create stunning websites. It comes with plenty of drag and drop templates.
Wis is good choice for making e-commerce blogs.
- Unlimited bandwidth.
- You can place Google AdSense ads.
- Beautiful templates created by Wix ADI.
- Can’t change the template later. You can choose template only once.
- Wix ads are shown on your free blog.
- Responsive Google Ads are not supported.
Price:- The basic Wix blog is free with a Wix subdomain that looks like https://username.wixsite.com/mysite.
However, you can buy a custom domain for $14.95/month.

WordPress.org is an open source free blogging platform which was started in 2003. WordPress comes with countless plug-ins and almost infinite ways to design your blog. WordPress powers more than 30% of all active websites on the internet. Must visite the best blogging website Techxels.
- WordPress.org gives you control your blog and all its data. Your blog will never be turned off just because someone decides that it’s against their terms.
- You can add extra features like forums and online store.
- There are countless free themes available which you can modify. You can also make completely custom designs
- WordPress comes with a good number of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plug-ins that helps you to rank in Google
- You will have to back up and update your blog manually. (Good news is that there are many plug-ins available to do this stuff by a single click)
Price:-Use of WordPress is free, but you’ll need to buy a domain name and web hosting from Hosting Providers.
Did you choose a suitable blogging Platform?
Let me give you a genuine opinion. My blog is made with WordPress and powered by Hostinger hosting service.
Blogger offers very limited features for ranking your blog in Google and monetizing your blog. Whereas WordPress offers a vast number of free plugins that automatically submit the sitemap to Google Search Console, gives suggestion about writing SEO friendly content, various blog post layouts, sticky sidebars, ability to send push notifications, spam protection, brute force protection, protection against hacking, speeding up your website by caching, ability to write meta descriptions for pages as well as posts, schema markup, and many more.
Have you ever seen any blog with a blogspot domain on the Google search result page?
Owning a domain name with paid hosting will put you ahead of the many other bloggers who are using a free platform to run their blogs.
Blogging is all about Branding. Referring your TechnoRavi.com domain name to someone is much professional than a TechnoRavi.blospot.com or TechnoRavi.wordpress.com domain name.
Step 3: Choose a Hosting Plan and Register Domain Name

What is Web Hosting?
Web hosting is a service that allows website owners to store their websites on servers.
Many of us think that websites exist only digitally, but the truth is that physical resources(in the form of servers) are also needed to run the websites.
A web hosting provider (i.e. Hostinger) provides a physical location to store all the files and database of your website.
When you type in a URL in an Internet browser like Google Chrome, your computer communicates with the server which hosts that website and then loads up the contents that are stored there.
There are various web hosting provides available in a wide range of prices ranging from a few dollars a month to hundreds of dollars. Some are good, some are bad and some are worst.
Hostinger is what we recommend as the best hosting provider to start a blog in India. Because Hostinger is a reliable web hosting provider which is known for its low costs and ultra-fast loading times.
Why Hostinger is best web hosting provider?
Hostinger is the best web hosting provider due to 3 reasons as mentioned below:
1. Credibility
The first step to determine the credibility of any web hosting provider is to check, for how many years it is in the industry?
You should know that Hostinger was established in 2004 and now it has over 29 million happy users. Hostinger is trusted by millions of bloggers since 2004 and I am one of them.
Hostinger was listed as one of the fastest-growing companies in Europe in the year 2020.
2. Fast Loading Times
Hostinger states that their server response time is 43 milliseconds. (The industry average for page loading time is closer to 900 milliseconds).
3. Price
Hostinger offers hosting plans at the cheapest price yet it gives the best services compared to other hosting providers.
4. Money-back Guarantee
You can get your money refunded within 30 days of signing up to Hostinger if you are unhappy with your Hostinger web hosting services for whatever reason. (Don’t worry, that will never happen).
Why is Hostinger so cheap?
All the web hosting providers except Hostinger use cPanel which is 3rd party Control Panel to simplify website and server management. But, Hostinger uses its own hPanel instead of cPanel.
cPanel charges a service charge to web hosting providers for using their service. It is observed that cPanel hikes their prices every year. The hiked price is then obviously charged from you.
But Hostinger has built its own control panel hPanel that’s why they don’t need to pay a service charge to any other third party and they can use it for free for a lifetime.
Thus Hostinger is so cheap.
Hostinger provides different kinds of hosting like Shared hosting, Cloud hosting, VPS hosting, Dedicated hosting.
Shared hosting is the most commonly used web hosting plan for personal blogs. Whereas Cloud hosting, VPS hosting and Dedicated hosting are more expensive than Shared hosting. Technical knowledge and server management skills are a must requirement for using Cloud hosting, VPS hosting and Dedicated hosting. Dedicated Servers: The Most Reliable Web Hosting Platform.
So, if you are an amateur blogger who is starting his/her first blog, then go with Shared Hosting.
Hostinger provides a service to upgrade your hosting plan whenever you wish. When you upgrade your hosting plan, all your websites with databases and all other things will be transferred automatically to the new plan. You will not have to do anything manually.
When you upgrade your hosting plan, the remaining time of the current hosting will be converted accordingly to the price of the new one which will add it as extra hosting time.
Steps to purchase hosting and domain name
Step-1:- Click on the Link given below to start your first blog.
Step-2:- Choose the “Premium Web Hosting” plan as you will get a free .com domain worth ₹602/- and it will also give you the freedom to host 100 websites with unlimited databases.
Step-3:- Choose a Period for hosting. i.e. choose 12 months.
Step-4:- Write down your dream domain name as you are eligible for a free domain. Don’t forget to select “.com” after writing down the domain name. Then click on “Search”. If that domain is taken, try another domain name.
Pro Tip:– You should choose your own name as your domain name because it will give you the freedom to test new content ideas and choose your niche over time.
Step-5:- Choose Period (i.e. 1 year) for your domain name registration when your domain name is available. You can renew your domain name before expiry.
Step-6:- Verify all the details and then click on “Checkout Now” to make payment.
Step-7:- Sign up using your Google Account or Facebook account or any other email account.
Step–8:- Choose a Payment Method and make payment.
Congratulations! You have got web hosting now.
After successfully purchasing hosting, you are now just a few clicks away from installing WordPress on your blog.
Step-4:- Install WordPress
Step-1:- Go to the “Hosting” menu in your Hostinger control panel. Here, you’ll see the web hosting accounts you have purchased. Now click on the “Manage” button to install WordPress.
Step-2:- Scroll Down and click on “Auto Installer” to install WordPress.
Step-3:- Select “WordPress”.
Step-4:- Choose the destination where WordPress should be installed. and fill in the details like Administrator Username, Administrator Password, Website Title. Then click on “Install”.
That’s all. You have installed WordPress.