How to Make Great Writing Prompts?

Too many writers have a hard time finding a regular outlet for their creativity. A lack of practice makes them unable to do important things, so they don’t do them well and feel bad about themselves. The good news is that there is a solution to your problem – writing prompts! Making a good writing prompt will let you use your imagination and practice writing for more important tasks. A writing prompt can be a phrase, an image, or even a real thing that makes you think and want to write. It gives you an idea to start with to help you write more naturally. 

In this case, a creative writing prompt for fiction writers might say:

When your main character is in the hospital after a car accident, they start to hear voices. It’s time to write a short story about what happened at the time of the car accident and how the character and the voices were at odds with each other.

Different types of writing prompt

You can use a creative prompt to get you started when you write. It’s mostly used to work on writing skills like vocabulary, storytelling, imagination, etc. To put it in simple terms, it’s a subject that can be written about and looked at in many different ways. A word, a sentence, a question, or an event can be the subject of a creative writing prompt. Usually, you have all the freedom you need when it comes to writing prompts. By moving around the subject, you can talk about or describe it. If you don’t know how to write, the best way to deal with a writing prompt is to stick to the subject. Then, when you’re done working with the subject, you can get even more confident by working on each part of it on its own. 

Use writing prompts to stay in shape when you write content. Olympic athletes spend a lot of time working out. Writers should use prompts to improve their language and creativity skills. It doesn’t have to be a workout, hobby, or way to relax and let off steam to be prompt. It can be anything that works for you. Many writers say that writing can be very therapeutic, especially when things are hard in your life.

What is a prompt in writing an essay?

You may have seen creative writing prompts in school, but you didn’t know them. As a general rule, you can use a creative writing prompt for any essay with a clear goal or task. Creative writing prompts to write about any subject and anyway. The following are some of the most common school essay topics used as a creative writing prompt:

Looking at these subjects, we can see that a writing prompt can be different from another one in one important way – how freely you can write. It can be bad for students to move away from the subject when given a prompt. According to what you’ve read, formal essay prompts are meant to show your teacher or professor how well you understand the subject. On the other hand, writing prompts are meant to get you to write. It’s important to know, think critically, and communicate in all kinds of education. The more freedom you have when you write your creative writing prompt, the better. So what? The point isn’t to show that you know the subject; it shows that you can do something.

Before we go any further, let’s look at how you can make a great writing prompt.

How to write a good writing prompt?

  • Write down a lot of different ideas.

It starts with an idea. Brainstorm for a while, and write down the first 10 ideas that come to mind while you do it.

Always remember that there is no way to judge ideas. Regardless of how “stupid” something is, it can start a writing session that will help you get better at what you do. There are some ideas here:

There were a lot of funny things in the last month. What was the funniest?

Childhood: What’s your favourite story?

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever been in?

  • Make creative writing prompts out of “what if?” scenarios

You can get ideas from real events from the past. But when it comes to coming up with new ideas, you should think about what could happen in the future. Think of things that might be silly. What it could be is up to you. There are no rules about what is possible or how things work.

Were there blue skies?

In what ways could cars fly?

In my favourite book, how long would I last?

  • It’s time for Step 3. Use a quote!

As long as you come up with a good writing prompt, you don’t need to come up with a whole new idea on your own. Instead, look for a quote that makes you feel good. For example, think of a quote from a famous or historical person that makes you think a lot and want to read it repeatedly. Writing a prompt around a quote gives you almost infinite freedom because you can write about the quote in any way.

  • Use rhetorical exercises to help you improve your writing skills.

Even though they’re meant to improve your verbal skills, rhetorical exercises can help you develop better writing prompts. Use these exercises carefully to improve your flexibility and learn how to say the same thing differently.


Writing prompts can help you with all kinds of expression. Also, letting your mind go free, and letting your thoughts come upon paper, can be good for you. Believe in yourself and work out every day. There is nothing you can’t do with hard writing work.

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