Real estate agents spend much of their time on the move, showing properties to potential buyers, looking at properties coming onto the market and chasing up mountains of paperwork. All of these things are essential to the business of being a real estate agent, but they all take time and reduce the amount of time you have to monitor and improve your marketing. Technology now presents an answer to this dilemma; there are a range of apps available to assist you in completing all the different tasks you need to do; simultaneously!
1. Hootsuite

This free app monitors the main social media sites and allows you to connect with them, wherever you are. Hootsuite will allow you to schedule posts, track them and assess which ones are effective and which are not; all from your cell phone!
2. Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts is another free app and it allows you to video conference with your clients or prospective buyers at any time. This is an essential app as most real estate agents need to be available all the time but are rarely in the office to take calls.
3. Evernote

This free app will allow you to consolidate all your work notes into one location. This location can then be accessed no matter where you are in the world. You can even record audio messages and share important documents with others. Perhaps the best use of the Evernote app is to keep a log of your current clients and what they are looking for in a house. You can then refresh your memory moments before you meet them.
4. Open Home Pro

This app is also free and will allow you to create a checklist for an open house whilst on the move. Open Home Pro will ensure you can take the details of every visitor and, potentially, increase your client base whilst selling a property!
5. Dropbox

Yet another free app! Dropbox will allow you to save as many documents as you like in the cloud and access them when you need them; even if you are on the move. Documents can also be shared and digitally signed.
6. Expensify

Expensify permits users to record their expenses whilst on the go; this will ensure you do not miss any and can identify the exact cost of selling a particular house or your total business expenditure for the month.
7. Mailtracker

Maitracker is essential for anyone who is sending marketing material via email. The app will allow you to see who has opened your email. Regular checking of this app will enable you to identify which campaign is working, who is opening your mail, how often they do it, and how quickly they open it.
8. Tempo

Tempo is a free calendar app that will allow you to stay on top of your appointments, arrange meetings and even schedule time to update social media; or check your apps!
9. Google Maps

This free app will ensure you are never lost when looking for a potential new property to add to your books. Google Maps can also be useful to illustrate to potential purchasers how close they are to specific amenities.
10. Cam Scanner

This clever app is free in its basic form or $4.99 per month if you wish to have a premium account. Cam Scanner will allow you to take a picture of any document on your phone and make it looked like you have scanned the document! It can be used for contracts, official documents, and your expense receipts. You will have an instant digital record without the need to rush to the office. The premium account will allow you to share these documents with others via Dropbox, Evernote, or Google Drive.
The real estate market is going through some serious changes right now. People can buy homes using smart devices and realtors can manage properties using the most efficient apps. It’s a win-win from both sides. The apps we mentioned above are meant to ease your job. They’re all necessary if you want to become a successful real estate agent and stand above your competitors.